Jasper AI Review – Is It Legit?

Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence-driven platform that can help businesses and organizations make better decisions.

With its powerful algorithms, it provides insights into data and processes to help users optimize their operations. In this review, we’ll take a look at how effective Jasper AI is in providing real results for businesses.

We’ll also discuss the advantages of using the platform as well as any potential drawbacks. By the end of this review, you should be able to decide if Jasper AI is right for your business or organization.

Jasper AI Quick Look

  • AI Writer
  • Multiple Templates
  • Long Form Blog Post
  • Free trial

What is Jasper?

Jasper AI is a machine learning platform that leverages artificial intelligence to help businesses and organizations for helping with their content creation.

One of the biggest challenges for any digital marketer comes in the form of content and Jasper AI makes it a walk in the park!

From developing content strategies to analyzing data and optimizing marketing campaigns, Jasper AI can help you achieve amazing results.

What Are The Advantages of Using Jasper AI?

Jasper AI is an extremely powerful platform that offers some great advantages for businesses or organizations looking to improve their operations.

Here are a few key benefits:

  • Speeds up your content creation efforts
  • Instead of spending hours on researching, crafting and editing content, Jasper AI helps you create quality content quickly.
  • Delivers powerful insights: With the help of its algorithms, Jasper AI can provide insightful information based on data and analytics to optimize your campaigns.
  • Empowers collaboration: The platform allows teams to collaborate easily on projects. This way, teams can stay up-to-date with their progress in real-time.
  • Reduces costs: By leveraging artificial intelligence for marketing operations, businesses can save time and money in the long run.

What Are The Potential Drawbacks?

There are some potential drawbacks that should be considered when deciding if Jasper AI is right for your business or organization.

These include:

  • Cost: Although the cost of using Jasper AI is relatively low, it could still be a factor for some businesses or organizations.
  • User experience: The platform’s user interface can be confusing at first. This means that new users may require some time to adjust and understand how to best use the platform.
  • Limited features: Jasper AI doesn’t offer as many features compared to its competitors.

Is this Content Good for SEO?

One of the biggest questions coming from AI or Artificial Intelligence content is this –

Will the content rank? Is it good for SEO?

While AI is super powerful, it still needs guidance as we explained in this review.

Is Jasper AI + Surfer SEO Integration the 1-2 punch?

While we are huge fans of both Jasper along with the popular Surfer SEO platform, when using these tools in conjunction, it makes a powerful combination previously unavailable from any combination of tools.

Here’s how we make it all work together.

First, we use Surfer to determine our keywords and analysis for what pieces of content we want to create.

It does an amazing job at telling you exactly what to go after, what content is comparable.

Next, we use Surfer to create an outline.

Inside Surfer, we use the Content Editor to create and build outlines of our pieces of content.

This involves the headings, FAQ’s, as well as the suggested word count and even the internal linking.

We use the outline to let Jasper AI fill in the gaps.

Super simple process.

Is It Worth It?

Using these two tools in conjunction is something that would only be available to professional SEO teams but allows you to quickly analyze, develop a plan, then create the content.

Surfer SEO pricing along with Jasper AI is not the cheapest option by no means, but there’s no comparison when you think you’d need a full team of researchers and content creators to be able to capture 20% of what these tools can do together.

Is the Content Human Readable?

Yes! One of the benefits of using Jasper AI is that you still get human-readable content.

Even though AI is taking the lead in creating your content, it has been programmed to be cautious and ask questions when it recognizes something that doesn’t quite fit with what you’re trying to write. This helps ensure your content remains readable and logical.

The great part about many of the AI tools out there is they are often better than hiring out a team of writers.

While this has upset many in the freelance space, those that learn to integrate with AI will only be able to create much faster.

Many of the freelancers feel threatened that AI will replace them, but this just isn’t going to happen.

While AI may structurally write better content, you still need AI to be given instructions.

The human interaction is still something that’s needed even with tools like Surfer and Jasper.


Overall, Jasper AI is an effective tool for businesses and organizations looking to improve their operations. Its powerful algorithms and easy-to-use interface make it a great choice for digital marketers who want to get the most out of their content creation efforts.

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